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  • Writer's pictureI am Lakshmi

Jump The Track...

Updated: Apr 10, 2021

The last few months seem to have gone by in a began and end with the same things and feelings over and over again. Seems like every day becoming more monotonous than the previous. Following the news feed, connecting with loved and dear ones, yet something is amiss.

I am not sure why but today I thought to jump the track and not continue with the usual flow of my journey...but the itch to write about Romance.

Romance has always been a favorite genre/topic very close to my heart and soul. Even after an unfortunate turn of events in my life, I am still a sucker for romance and romantic movies/books/songs. I don't think anyone tops me in this category and I have zero shame to admit this. The kind of romance I am talking about is not something that can be seen but it is only that can be felt.

I am proud to say that I am an old-school romantic in the age of Tinder/Facebook and stuck in the world of people who window shop for dates!! I am trapped in a world where heartbreak is easy and loving is hard. ..hmmm sad!!

I am a person who believes in locking eyes, conveying feelings just by look...I strongly believe eyes speak louder than words...I am not talking about ''falling in love'' with just a look. There is a saying ''Eyes are the windows to the soul'' which means, mostly, people can see through someone else by eye contact...

I believe in love letters, they were a rage in romance in the '90s..the feeling of writing down your thoughts and the efforts you put in to express your undying love on a piece of paper is something which I will never get bored with. Priceless!!

I love to steal glances now and then, holding each other's hands when nobody is looking, pretending like strangers when others are around,...I love the whole nervous thing, a fluttering sensation, like a bunch of butterflies inside my stomach before proposing someone and trust me, in today's world no Emoji, could express the real feeling...

The commitment was real back in the '90s, I am not saying that it doesn't exist now but the whole concept of commitment and love has changed. The concept of ''breaking up, or patch up'' never really existed in old days. People knew that committing to someone was a serious thing and not something you can experiment with.

We live in the digital era where many people propose on phone and the patience to take things slow ceases to exist... I have nothing against casual sex but what I am talking about is that it certainly shouldn't be expected on a second day or even worst on a very first day...gone are the days when sex actually meant ''MAKING LOVE'' to each other. You say this word to the current generation and am sure you will get strange look. Where is the old world charm?

I see couples love to announce their private life and love to the world...why put up love struck captions for each other '' you are my world'' '' I love you to the moon and back '' etc. when one of you sleep on the couch or sleep facing towards the wall in the same bed??? I don't get it!!

Why would anyone in their right mind spend hours talking on the phone when you have nothing to talk about when you meet up? Where is the personal space if you spend inordinate amounts of time talking to each other on the phone? Don't get me wrong, I am not blaming ''phone'' here, I understand that it is the only way to contact if you live thousands of kilometers apart. Still in my opinion one should maintain an appropriate space to keep that spark alive. Back in the '90s, technology didn't suffocate the spirit of love. The blue WhatsApp ticks didn't exist but they never ran out of conversation when they met.

The one thing I strongly miss in my life (after divorce) is companionship...I miss being in love, I miss saying ''I love you'', I miss hearing myself say it...I miss getting butterflies in my stomach. Anyways, let's get back to the original topic and pause the other issues to refrain from diluting my feelings.

Romance...I seek it so much and so hard...write love letters, stay up all night, cook together, come up with pet names together, unexpected kiss, watch sunrise and sunsets, long walks by the beach, midnight walks in the middle of the road, stay in bed all day and talk, gossip and laugh for no reason. You name it, I am about it!!

I would like to recall the cute scene from this Tamil movie ROJA. I am not even sure how many times I watched this movie or this scene...I have been watching this movie since 1992 from VCR to Laptop and only gadgets have changed but my crush and love to watch this movie will never makes me smile and feel good every single time I watch. Playful, innocent, shy, love, romance, and the way he refers his wife as ''Aruma pattikadeaaaaa''(country brute in English, in my words, my sweet village lady).

I wonder how people are stuck in a marriage with no romance. Many people think that having sex is romance. They don't understand that romance is more than that and is more about bonding with each other and increasing the intimacy levels. Romance can motivate you to do something for each other...

Let me finish this post by sharing a short cute romantic story...The Kiss By The Window!!

''It was one late afternoon when the sun was going down, she was waiting for him by the window. Had he arrived her home just as it began to rain heavily.. he went slowly near her and both were looking through the window admiring rain...the weather was pleasant...

It was the first time he was so near to her, the scent of the rain was on the air, her sweet-smelling hair was fanning an aroma that made him think he smelled the scent of her hair his heart started beating fast. His breath tickled her senses, his nearness made her warm body warmer and she loved the feel of his warm skin against hers.

Her heart was pounding fast and she guessed a little of what was going to happen.

He brushed the hair away from her shoulder, she imagined the rough feel of his jaws brushing against the side of her neck, she closed her eyes and waited. He planted his lips on the skin on her shoulder along to the back of her neck...'' Honey'' his voice came as a whisper which sent shivers up her spine. His lips began to trace the nape of her neck and his hand brushed her hair behind her ear. She let her eyes flutter closed as his lips neared her ear. The air between them was filled with emotions...

She turned slowly to face him but she was looking down from him not able to make eye-contact with him...she was not able to utter a word...he cupped her face and kissed her forehead which she thought was the sweetest form of kiss and then he kissed her eyes, cheeks, holding her tight.....his hands ran through her hair and took delight in exploring her mind and soul....she felt his breath against her lips, making them tremble, he pressed his lips onto hers!! Speechless, they knew nothing but the adrenaline pumping through their veins.

Life suddenly seemed just perfect..''

Remembering your romantic first kiss stories will always warm your heart and remind you that anything is possible...Life is just too short to live without romance...

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Apr 09, 2021

This is really taking me to a world full of imaginations as I read every word that you have written here. That's wonderful write-up Maria. Your words will boost people at least to try being romantic.

Apr 10, 2021
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Thank you Kicha.. 😊And Good Luck 😉


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