There was a hungry cat who saw a little mouse playing on the ground.
The hungry cat felt very happy and said thanks to God for sending the mouse to him.
The hungry cat started walking towards the mouse to catch and eat him.
The little mouse felt that the cat is going to catch him and kill him.
The cat started running to catch the mouse to eat.
The mouse started running to save himself from the cat, basically stated running "to survive" and thinking this is his last chance.
The mouse explored a small hole in the ground and could enter it and saved himself from the hungry cat.
There is a small kid along with his father watching this from the beginning.
The kid asked a question to his father:
The cat was hungry and big and powerful enough to catch the small mouse but how come the mouse survived?
The father explained to the son:
The cat was committed to catching the mouse to eat as a routine whereas the mouse was determined to survive.
The cat knew that if he fails to catch him he will still survive but the mouse knew that this is the last chance for him to survive!
A Beautiful Story of Commitment Vs Determination... Determination is extremely important as it allows us to persevere in the face of difficulties.
When things do not go according to plan, it’s tempting to give up. We lose our confidence and think about moving on to something easier. This is exactly what most people do because we are afraid of failure and we avoid things that are difficult and necessary.
The famous quote says it all. ‘’If we have the determination and willpower for one defined goal in life then nothing can stop us to achieve success’’
The Universe is toooooo big for us to think too little. We should act, think about what we want to accomplish, and push ourselves even if it happens little by little.
Take care :)
A though provoking writing, amazing to read. This is a real motivator for many and I believe as a large number of people go through this cycle everyday. The will power, positive attitude to strive and self determination are majorly important and it develops a valuable source of energy for everyone. However, when one is drowned with negativity, this writing of yours definitely helps them to boost confidence and gain their importance in life. Thank you for the post, loved it. 😎😊👌👍🙏
Thanks for sharing such an excellent story, Maria. This story is a ray of hope in difficult situations as it teaches us the importance and value of survival.